SHARING is caring!
Here are some of my favorite things!


*Please note: some of these links are affiliate links and I may make a small commission*

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Hands down…
my favorite transformational Beauty, body, skincare, & natural supplement products

Clean crafted beauty for your clean living lifestyle. These products are straight from authentic earth… God’s nature being used to heal His perfectly crafted daughter, from the inside out- yep, that’s you, hun. Our body has been designed to heal itself, using the purest ingredients that God has already provided for us on Earth. These products Restore and uplift your soul, transforming beauty from inside out. Healing for your MIND, BODY, ENERGY, SOUL. Take your Power back. As a Wholly Made Lifer, I’m gifting you $10 off, plus opportunity to get 20% off on anything you order!

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Do You OIL?

Essential Oils are something I’ve used in my home for cleaning & cooking & on our skin for healing & maintenance for years. When people enter my home, they always say, “You’re home smells so good!” And believe me, living with all boys, that’s a compliment!

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Have you ever wanted to start you own podcast?

I took this course by my friend & she taught me EVERYTHING I needed to know about ALL things PODCASTING! It helped me with the logistics of how to record, edit, & add into/outro music to my episodes; how to upload podcast art & which art you MUST have to make it pop; where to upload so the podcast could be found everywhere; how to title using keywords & create compelling content; & what strategies to use to get the most listeners ASAP! I have doubled my downloads since taking this course! I highly recommend her course & she’s a mighty woman of God too!

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My favorite WORSHIP music!

Ok, y’all know MUSIC is my complete jam! It has so much meaning for seasons in my life. I listen to worship music ALL the time, unless I’m listening to my mindset/leadership audiobooks & podcasts. I’m so proud of my friends for releasing their album… & Let me tell you, they’re the most talented group of singers I know! Grab their EP right here!